Bathtub Soap Dish Should I Add A Ceramic Soap Dish To My New Bathtub?

Should I add a ceramic soap dish to my new bathtub? - bathtub soap dish

I have a lot of research and I realized that many bathroom renovation designs on the web that I get the SOAP standard ceramic dish, which usually goes into the wall above the tiles have. This development is a continuous process is still common practice, or use on a wall soap dish. I am rebuilding the bathroom and I'm about to start laying the tiles and I'm not sure if I fell or was not set. Please help! Thank you!


six3x said...

I do not think that's a good idea, and here's why ... There is a small chance that might accidentally hit the soap dish ceramic during cleaning or other clumsy accident then you are broken with a broken piece of pottery out of the shower on the left. I suggest you buy one that has a suction cup, press, if you are in the fall. Good luck with the rebuild!

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